Kenneth Richardson
Furniture Manufacturer
A talented and creative leader, Kenneth is known among his colleagues for how good his organizing and team leading skills are… Working priorly for a number of American and International multi-billion dollar companies, Kenneth has built up a reputation and a skillset worthy of an executive manager.
Professional life
As a professional man in photography, Alex traces his roots to the New York school of furniture making. After graduating there he spent quite a few years working for movie studios, in a movies trailers and promo materials department. So I decided that I can fully entrust a guy, who after-edited RDJs photos in Iron Man 2 to post-process few hundred images of a cake and the warmed up guests…
As a private citizen and besides his furniture making antics, Alex is a proud family man, a father of two and a devoted citizen of Syracuse, NY…

Postal address:
6700 Madison str., Alexandria, VA, United States
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