Martin Gray
Furniture Manufacturer
Originally from London, at one point of his sophomore college year, Martin decided to turn the tables for his career and travel to the US, to try and get a Harvard MBA degree… Eventually, he succeeded in that, becoming one of the most respected executive managers in his field of work. His 15…
Professional life
As a professional man in photography, Alex traces his roots to the New York school of furniture making. After graduating there he spent quite a few years working for movie studios, in a movies trailers and promo materials department. So I decided that I can fully entrust a guy, who after-edited RDJs photos in Iron Man 2 to post-process few hundred images of a cake and the warmed up guests…
As a private citizen and besides his furniture making antics, Alex is a proud family man, a father of two and a devoted citizen of Syracuse, NY…

Postal address:
6700 Madison str., Alexandria, VA, United States
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